Hello! :)
Yesterday was so fun! Me, Maddie, Matilde and Venice went to see "Friends with benefits". It was a b-day present from me and Maddie to Venice and Matilde joined us :)
It was a really fun movie, we really liked it and i recommend you to see it :)
After the movie, around 9pm, Matilde went home and me, Venice and Maddie stayed in town for like 1 h.
In the buss me and Maddie decided that I should stay over at her's, so we got of at my place to pic up all my stuff that I needed and then we went home to Maddie.
We were gonna watch "The ring" but we were so tired so we shut the TV of and fell asleep.
Now i am awake and Maddie is still sleeping haha.
Cya guys :)
Xoxo, Jennifer :)
September 25, 2011
September 20, 2011
A little bit of this and that!
Hello guys!
I'm on my way home right now. I've been to Önnerödsskolan, my prewiest school where my sister goes now.
Every Tuesday evening they have what's called "öppna skolan", literally translated "the open school". It opens at 6pm and you can do like what ever you feel like; play ping pong, watch TV, do your homework if you need to catch up in something, study, like everything :)
I miss my old school, it's not as much as a prison as IES!
Take care!
Xoxo, Jennifer :)
I'm on my way home right now. I've been to Önnerödsskolan, my prewiest school where my sister goes now.
Every Tuesday evening they have what's called "öppna skolan", literally translated "the open school". It opens at 6pm and you can do like what ever you feel like; play ping pong, watch TV, do your homework if you need to catch up in something, study, like everything :)
I miss my old school, it's not as much as a prison as IES!
Take care!
Xoxo, Jennifer :)
September 18, 2011
Me and Matilde are at Maddie's place. It's 145am and we are gonna get up in like 7h. Hihi :)
I'm going to start vlogging now :) I, I, I so exited :D
Haha alright babies, gotta go catch some zzz... ;)
xoxo, Jennifer :)
I'm going to start vlogging now :) I, I, I so exited :D
Haha alright babies, gotta go catch some zzz... ;)
xoxo, Jennifer :)
September 16, 2011
What is going on?
Gooood mooorning!
I went to bed at 2am last nigt and, I don't know how it happened, but I woke up at 8am.... lol! I bet you think I'm crazy, but this is not like me! Hahaha
Anyways, I found this new Blogger-app for my iPhone. It's so much better than the last one! :)
Gotta go now, see y'all later :)
xo, Jennifer <3
I went to bed at 2am last nigt and, I don't know how it happened, but I woke up at 8am.... lol! I bet you think I'm crazy, but this is not like me! Hahaha
Anyways, I found this new Blogger-app for my iPhone. It's so much better than the last one! :)
Gotta go now, see y'all later :)
xo, Jennifer <3
What a great idea! Maybe... ?
OMG! It was almost a moth ago I updated my blog! Am I really that bad at updating? I don't understand why I keep promise you guys that I will update more..... But I was thinking, and I thought, maybe I want to start a vlog instead? I think that would be easier!
But I will also continue writing, but not as often then.
What do you guys think? Vlog or just blog?
xx, Jennifer :)
But I will also continue writing, but not as often then.
What do you guys think? Vlog or just blog?
xx, Jennifer :)
Landvetter Landvetter
August 21, 2011
I didn't see that one coming....

School starts in like 35h and 20 minutes!
I'm prepared! I've decided to study hard this year.
Me and my sister is also going to change rooms and we stated to move some of our stuff, we'll continue 2morrow :)
FYI, I'm watching Billy Madison
xoxo, Jennifer♥
August 20, 2011
Imma turn you inte a brunette!
My sister Melina
HelloOoO! :)
Sorry for the bad update lately.. I've been up to a lot of things this week, and next week's school...
Like 2-3 weeks ago I toned my sister's & my mom's hair, but my sister decided that she wanted to have the same hair color as I so we went to the store.. that evening I dyed her hair :) It looks amazing, she's really pretty :)
I also dyed my mom's hair again just to make it look better. and now it does :)
My hair as bleached a lot this summer, I don't think my friends notices it 'cause I mean, you get use to it during summer, but I usually have a lot darker hair. Haha, but since I have so much and so thick hair it will be hard if it get like "destroyed" :/
xoxo, Gossip Girl♥
haha just kidding ;)
xoxo, Jennifer♥
August 15, 2011
It's close to miiidnight..!
¡Hola amigos!
2morrow I am going camping with some friends on an island in Landvettersjön (Landvetter lake), it's a pretty big lake that is here in Landvetter where I live!
It's going to be os much fun! I can't wait :)
Imma talk to you guys later and have a great time while I'm gone ;)
August 13, 2011
I think I NAILed it! :D

Hi everyone! :)
Yesterday I painted my mum's nails and my own.
If you look at the top picture you can see how it turned out. My mom's hand is to the left and mine is to the right.
So, what you can see is that I made the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street and a couple of chocolate chips on my mummy's hands and m&m's in different colors on my hands.
I am really happy that it tured out so well and my mum is also loving her nails! :)
Jennifer ♥
August 12, 2011
What's that?? :o
Hi peeps! :)
I don't know if you've noticed it, but whenever I am blogging from my iPhone, it is a weird strip thingy down below the post!
Maybe it's just on my computer but if you can see it, just ignore it ;)
It's been really warm outside today! Me and my mom took a walk with my doggy this morning and it felt great! :)
Kisses, Jennifer
I don't know if you've noticed it, but whenever I am blogging from my iPhone, it is a weird strip thingy down below the post!
Maybe it's just on my computer but if you can see it, just ignore it ;)
It's been really warm outside today! Me and my mom took a walk with my doggy this morning and it felt great! :)
Kisses, Jennifer
August 11, 2011
Yummmmm... ♥
Wazzup? :)
I'm sitting on the couch eating cookie dough and watching an old Glee episode with my sister.
Yesterday I had like nothing to do so I thought I wanted to try a new makeup look and this is the finishing look! :

I used my iPhone camera so not so good quality
August 10, 2011
Everything went by so fast
I just saw that July 6th was exactly 2 years ago since I started this blog! :)
I also noticed that July 24th was also 2 years ago I started my twitter account!
Did everything happened in 2009? ...... Lolz, just kidding ^^
Anyways, I'm going to the dentist AND the doctor tomorrow.
Ok, the dentist.. what do you do at the dentist...
I'm going to the doctor to look up 2 things: my knee(leg) and my left index finger..
Good night, people!
Peace out, Jennifer♥
Goodies! :)
Hi people!
Remember I told you I was doing my sisters and my own nails? Well, if you do.. Here's the pics I promised you :) :

This is how it turned out on my sister, she really likes it too :)
Moving on to my look. I wanted to have something simple but funny at the time and this is how it turned out:

Sky blue w/ white dots! :)
Jennifer :)
August 9, 2011
Time goes by...
2 weeks until school starts! :o
I wanted to have a long, chill, hot summer.. But it's already 9th August and right now it's raining.....
Time goes by so fast! It feels like I was just starting 8th grade, and now, the 23rd I'm starting 9th grade! It's unbelievable!
Can't wait though.. I kinda feel like I wanna have something to do.. Summer's starting to get boring.. HAHAHA
I have made up my mind! I'm gonna get a whole lot better grades this term!
This year I got 4 VG's and the rest was just G's. I wanna get at least twice as good this year, so I can get into a good gymnasium! :)
It's not a big deal
¡Hola amigos! (No, I can't speak spanish...)
I've been at my cousin's all day, got home about 5 hours ago. Then, me daddy and my sister went to grama & grampa♥
I just fixed my own and my sisters nails! Gonna put up some pics 2mrw :)
NightyNight, folks!
August 7, 2011
Who doesn't love surprises?
Hi sweeties :)
I'm gonna go to bed soon. 2morro, me and my family are going to Trollhättan where my uncle Fredrik, his wife and my 2 cousins live.
My cousin Rebecca turned 3 about a week ago and we haven't celebrate yet.
So our plan is that my faily picks her up at her daycare by 12am, she's gonna be so surprised! :) Then it's time for cake and presents! :D
Hihihi <3
July 28, 2011
Varberg! :D

2morro me and Matilde are going to Verberg! Maddie's there at a camping with her family and she said we could come if we wanted to!
It's going to be so much fun :D The only thing that's not goingg to be fun is that I still can't be in the ocean... remember I have a huge fear of water?... well, there must be a solution for that!
So, waking up by 1000am, go to the bank with mummy to fix som stuff by 1100am then I'm going to meet up Matilde at the station by 1200... Last time I was going by train somewhere were years ago so this is almost like the first time.. and all by my self too! Ok.. Matilde is with me, but u know what I mean ;)
Gotta go no, ttyl<3
July 17, 2011
July 16, 2011
I'm so hungry!
Late dinner! It's 8.45pm! Hehehe.
This is what I call a lazy day! I haven't done anything much at all!
See ya later, alligator!
Jennifer :)
This is what I call a lazy day! I haven't done anything much at all!
See ya later, alligator!
Jennifer :)
When the sun has got down and you're awake 'till the sun goes up again.. is it a good or a bad idea to go to bed?
July 15, 2011
I wish my parents could tell me to go back to sleep if I would have woke up, instead of waking me up when I really wanna sleep!
Oops! Now mommy's calling for me!
See u around!
Oops! Now mommy's calling for me!
See u around!
Brush, brush, brush!

I am gonna go brush my teeth now, then I'm going to bed.
I'm like addicted to brushing my teeth, I don't know why! :o
I just like keeping it clean and fresh, but I don't use to brush more than twice a day. I mean, it's not good to brush too much! HAHA ;)
Anyways, see you guys 2morro! :)
Jennifer ♥
How could I forget? :o
I just watched some of the first posts in my blog, and one thing I almost have forgotten is that I actually wrote in swedish at first in my blog!
I changed my mind and wanted to write in english, and there's 2 reasons why I changed:
- I wanted(still want) more people to understand what I say in my blog/I wanted more readers
- Since english is like my "second primary language", I sometimes feel more comfortable writing in english
I'm glad I stared writing in english, and I'm glad I stared blogging again. I wasn't so good at keep updating in my other blogs that I've had.
xoxo, Jennifer♥
July 14, 2011
Movie time!
Good evening folks!
Woke up at 2am 2day. I haven't done anything much, just sitting on my couch and watching films, 3 actually... teehee!
2morro.. well, time for more films! As I said yesterday, I'm going 2 the movies with my family!
Pretty exited, 'cause I wouldn't wanna do anything else on a rainy day! HAHA :)
Yes, I know it's gonna rain 2morrow.. That's why we're going 2 the movies, instead of my grama and grampa.
see ya, fellas!
A while since I updated my blog, I should do it more often..... HAHAHA yeah, like that's ever gonna happen! I know you've heard it before... But I am trying! Really, I am!
It's kinda hard, 'cause I always forget!
Anyways, next week is Gothia Cup here in Gothenburg! :D So on Monday I am going (with my friend Emma) to watch the opening ceremony, where 2 of my friends (Madeleine aka http://mmaddiee.blogspot.com/ and Matilde aka http://dancinginmyheart.blogspot.com/) are dancing! Can't wait to see it! :)
Then the rest of the week, imma go partyin!
"Partyin', partyin'! YEAH!"
HEHE I got a Rebecca Black moment there... :)
Anyhow, I'm going with my friends, Maddie, Matilde, Venice, and if someone else wanna join us..?? :)
This Friday, I'm going to either a island where my grama and grampa have been staying on since Sunday(they're going home this Sunday), BUT, if the weather's not going to be good, I'm going to the movies with my family! :)
Let's just wait and see how my Friday turns out to be! :)
Bye, sweeties!
July 3, 2011
Hello again! :)
Hey guys!
So sorry for the bad update lately.. I've been to Lysekil for a week, I got home 2 days ago :)
Can't wait til Wednesday, me and my granny are going to a spa! :)♥
That's like a late birthday present from granny and grandpa, hihihi
Right now, I'm uploading some pictures from my iPhone right now so imma show you some pics 2morrow.
Anyways, I just wanted you guys to know I'm still alive! :) So yeah, that's basicly it!
Bye sweeties! :)
June 14, 2011
Summer, here I come!
Right now I'm in Allum, at the bus station, waiting for my mom to pick me up :)
I've been at Matilde's and we've been out running :D
Today was the last day in school. Tomorrow, the whole school will just meet up in a kind of ceremony! Exited!! :D
But I've got a problem... I have no idea of what to wear! :o I hope I'll figure something out! :)
I've been at Matilde's and we've been out running :D
Today was the last day in school. Tomorrow, the whole school will just meet up in a kind of ceremony! Exited!! :D
But I've got a problem... I have no idea of what to wear! :o I hope I'll figure something out! :)
June 6, 2011
It's getting hot OUT here ;)
This is how it feels like nowadays in Sweden....

Wazzaaaaap?! :D
It's so hot in Sweden right now! It's so warm that I can't think of anythingand then I get bored so I try to think of something but I'm to exhausted! I'm not so used to this kind of weather, but I still like it!
The only thing I don't like is when I'm outside, trying to get a nice tan, I'm getting so warm! I don't really like to be warm.. I want to freak out when it's to hot somewhere! Really!
But I think I can deal with it, I mean this is how our planet was created so we have to live with it, or you can just move to a cooler planet, like Pluto! HAHAHA kidding, that's not even a planet anymore... o.o
Well, after 17 days off from school, imma go back 2moro.. Yeah, it's been PRAO and I've bee sick and it was like a little break(2day's Sweden's national day-nationaldag in swedish)
I don't know what to wear, 'cause I mean you can't have like a tummy showing shirt.. No! I know what to wear now! :D hahaha :)
Wish me luck with all the homeworks I'm gonna get (maybe... xD )
June 5, 2011
Thank you mummy! :)
I just gotta tell ya! Yesterday I was in Borås with my mom and my granny(my granny lives there) it was a market(if that's how you say it) there, and guess what?! :D my moma bought me a skin jacket! I've wanted one for so long! First we saw a white one, but there was only 2 left and one of them was in the size small and the other one extra large... I needed a medium... But I took a black one instead. I guess the white ones where pretty popular, heheheh!
Thank you mummy, for the jacket, I love it! :)
Thank you mummy, for the jacket, I love it! :)
Maddie Baddie :)
Have been on skype with Maddie today :) I miss her so! And I really hope she can cone with me and my family to Lysekil(I think it's in 3 weeks).
Love you, Madz
Love you, Madz
June 3, 2011
2weeksOf..Freedom! :D
It's pretty late.. 12.57am and i should be in bed now, sleeping, hehheheheheh.
Anyways, so my uncle and my cousin are in.. I think it was Turkey.. And we are watching their birds this week til they get home(Saturday evening)
They live like 30-40 mins away from where I live, but I like long road trips cause I can sit in the car and just chill and I love that :)
I haven't been to school for about 2 weeks, just sayin'...
Haha no, but last week we had prao and this week I was struggling with the flu and we are free from school Thursday to Monday! Isn't it wonderful?! :D
Now, I will just wait for the summer break to come!!! :D
Anyways, so my uncle and my cousin are in.. I think it was Turkey.. And we are watching their birds this week til they get home(Saturday evening)
They live like 30-40 mins away from where I live, but I like long road trips cause I can sit in the car and just chill and I love that :)
I haven't been to school for about 2 weeks, just sayin'...
Haha no, but last week we had prao and this week I was struggling with the flu and we are free from school Thursday to Monday! Isn't it wonderful?! :D
Now, I will just wait for the summer break to come!!! :D
May 27, 2011
GNO ftw!
Wazzaaap fellas! :)
I'm at Maddie's now, with Malin and Emma! :)
Sleep over again.. We're gonna watch "Drag me to hell" :O Tomorrow we're gonna go to the movies, then me and Maddie are going to Hammarkullekarnevalen (a carneval near Gothenburg, in Hammarkullen)
Well.... we're gonna watch the movie now... :D we, we, we so exited!! :D
Jennifer ♥
I'm at Maddie's now, with Malin and Emma! :)
Sleep over again.. We're gonna watch "Drag me to hell" :O Tomorrow we're gonna go to the movies, then me and Maddie are going to Hammarkullekarnevalen (a carneval near Gothenburg, in Hammarkullen)
Well.... we're gonna watch the movie now... :D we, we, we so exited!! :D
Jennifer ♥
May 17, 2011
CrAzY! :D
The other day I was on Kållandsö, a place where my family's from. Also on Friday, Matilde and Maddie called me and told me to get home to Maddie's cause she(maddie) had burned her hand on boiling water while cooking noodles! :O I was there 'til 12pm.
Today I was on a dance consert Alina had.
2morrow Matilde is gonna stay over the night 'cause she's going with me and my family to "Ullared" on Wednesday! :D
It have been so much fun lately! :) I bet the whole week is gonna be good! :) On Saturday I will meet an old friend that I haven't seen in almost 3 years! I can't believe it! :o
Well, I love you guys, you know that ;)
Jennifer ♥
May 8, 2011
Today, I swear, I'm not doin anything.. almost ;)
Wooh! Today I've been doing a little homework ;) In art class I had to do a sculpture of fast food, I choosed to do a hamburger, so that is basically what I have been doing today.
Here's a picture of it:
I'm gonna eat it! :o
Lolz, JK! ;)
Love you, guys! ♥
Daily updating!
So, babes ;) I'm really sorry for the bad update lately.. I swear I'll try to update more daily! And of course I will post more photos and videos! ;)
Love you guys, xoxo
Love you guys, xoxo
May 7, 2011
Blogger App
Woo! I've finally found an blogger app on my iPhone, so now I can blog wherever I go! :)
But I'll start 2morrow ;)
But I'll start 2morrow ;)
May 5, 2011
Crutches... :(
Last Sunday my knee started to hurt really bad, and it hurted like all the time. Monday: I was home from school and in the evening I went to the E.R. but they sent me home by 11.30pm 'cuz the orthopedist went home at 11. So they told me to go home, take a rest and get back in the morning again. Tuesday: I went to the doctor at 9.30am, they took blood samples, they X-rayed me, and they bened my knee to see where it hurted.
It ended up being no inflammation, nothing broken. But, it is probably a twisted muscle.
And now I have been walking with crutches.. :/ It's horrible! My hands almost hurts more than my knee know! HAHAHA
May 1, 2011
Oh, crap!
So, a few hours ago my left leg started to hurt real bad, and it still hurts! Even when I sit completely still!
I hope I will make it to school 2morro, or else I will have to make my mum drive me to school..
Jennifer ♥
I think I'm going to fall asleep in any zZzZz....
I have been trying to find a good movie for almost 2 and a half hours (!), so no I am gonna go to bed, 'cause even though I would find a movie right in this moment, I would've been waaaay too tired to even start watching it!
HAhaha, but please tell me about a good chick flick that I should see :) I really like watching movies, but I can't find a good one right now :/
Jennifer ♥
April 27, 2011
List of what you've missed! :D
Omg! I just found out I haven't been updating my blog for a while!
I guess what you've missed is:
- I've had easter break :)
- I've been celebrating my 15th birthday :D
- I've been to Allum with my lovely friends <3
- I've missed my lovely friends 'cause they were in Prague and Norrköping :(<3
- I found out I'm going to Lysekil during midsummer, then I found out that when I was maybe going to Spain with Matilde was at the same time! :o
- I've been nagging on my parents (mostly my mom ;P) that I want to go on vacation to another country.
- I am gonna go to Ullared and shop (mostly clothes)
- I got a guitar for my birthday present from my daddy, mummy and my sister. I love it :)
- I've started to get allergic reactions on pollen again. I hate that..
- It's now less that a week 'til I'll get another baby cousin :)
- I've bought a new bikini for summer :)
- I am going to a "therapist" that is going to help me getting rid of my fear of water :D
- Our kitchen has been moved out to our backyard (the part that is covered with glass walls, I am not sure what it is called in english, but when I find out I will tell you what it is), because we are going to renovate it. So we have our fridge and freezer, microwave, coffee machine, cutlery, plates and glasses outside
- I've got new iPhone cases :D
- I watched "Avatar"
Well... I guess that's pretty much it.. I'll catch you later, bye :D
Jennifer ♥
April 13, 2011
The Simpsons
I've been home from school today. I was ready to go to school, but then I was feeling sick and it kinda felt like I was gonna throw up for a sec.
But I feel better now and I'm going to school tomorrow :)
Right now I'm watching an old episod of "The Simpsons".
I love "The Simpsons"! 

Jennifer <3
April 10, 2011
mom is studying too! :O
My friend is here! :) Our parents are in Lysekil, they're comming home 2day.
Yesterday we went out and took some pictures and after that (in the middle of the nite, hahhaha) we took some other cool pictures! :)
I will show you later ;)
When my mom and dad are home, my mummy will help me with a project in school. She is also studying, so she is working with basically the same things as me.
It's the power point presentation-thing that I have in english class that she will help me with :)
Well, see you guys soon! :D
Jennifer ♥
April 6, 2011
April 5, 2011
Rihanna! :)
I just have to tell you about a thing I have in school.. An assignment that we got from our english teacher.. We are gonna have to write about an artist that is either brittish or english-speaking (from countries like America, Canada, ect.).
I'm going to write about.... RIHANNA :)
I'm so exited :) We are gonna do powerpoint presentations, and we're not doing it in groups as we use to do when we're doing powerpoint presentations.
Can't wait to write about her! :) She is such a good inspiration, and she's a very good singer, and I love her personality! :)
Jhenni ♥
Tacos... on a Wednesday?! Well, yeah! :D
Sorry for haven't been updating for a little while. But here I am again :)
Yeah, so, last week I was sick as you may know, but I feel pretty good now, just a little stuffed nose still.
I'm probably going to my aunt Elaine 2morro(she's maybe getting a cold)! She have been to Thailand for 2 month with her family (my cousin and her boyfriend(they're engaged)) so 2morro I'm going to her place after school, it's just gonna be me and her and we are gonna eat tacos :)
I know, it doesn't taste as good on a Wednesday as on a Friday, but it's tacos anyways :D HAHA
Jennifer ♥
April 1, 2011
Believe it or not, but I'm going to school 2morro. Even though I still got fever.. BIEBER FEVER!!
Hahahaha no, jk ;)
But I have to go 'cause we're gonna have fredagsmys!! :D
If you don't know what it is you better google it!! :O
I hope I will do something fun after school! If I go home I will be so bored imma suffer to death! Hahaha
No, but let's just wait and see wait I will do :)
Jhenni ♥
March 30, 2011
100 posts!!!! :D
I made it! :D I have done 100 posts!! :D Time 4 party! Hahahahaha xD
Jennifer :)
March 29, 2011
Almost there! :D
This is my 99th post!!! My next post will be my 100th post, which means it will be a "celebrating post"! HAHAHA
I'm sick so I'm not in school 2day, yesterday I had to go home from school and I had just been there for like an hour.
Well, well.. I am not sure yet, but I think I'm going to school 2morro (: Let's just hope I'm better :)
You guys are still bad at comment my posts! :O
Jennifer ♥
March 27, 2011
Earth hour!

So yesterday was Earth Hour! :) It was only me and my sister home (and doggy) so we turned off all the lights and almost everything that takes energy at all in our house! We had a couple of candles in the living room.
I wish it could be Earth Hour more often ;(
I am almost done cleaning my room. Imma redecorate so I will let you see when I'm done :)
Jennifer ♥
March 18, 2011
Sleep over again! :)
Hey, guys!
Today I am going to Matilde's with Alina and Maddie :) We are gonna eat thai food today! I don't think I have eaten it before, I'm not sure.. But I think I'll like it :)
2morrow we are going to go swim probably in a town called Lerum, it's pretty near my town. The only negative thing is that I'm starting to feel a little sick, and I have a stuffy nose... -.-' It's so annoying 'cause today I had to go blow it like every lesson!
Imma go pack my bags soon, so I will have to leave you then ;)
Jennifer ♥
P.S. Soon I will post my 100th post! :D
March 15, 2011
Maddie! :)
Maddie, my lovely little sister :) You have to come to school 2morrow :) You can not be sick anymore (even if it was just today)
Wallah, imma try to help you more with your little love issue, ! ;) ♥
Hahhaha, you should have seen after I got of the tram yesterday in brunns, hahhaha xD Some did a good job *ironic* hahaha lol
Love to you, my dear friend :)
Jennifer ♥
P.S. you have to come 2morrow,it's the science test and you can't miss that!! :O :D
March 14, 2011
Life can be confusing sometimes...
Helluuuuu! :)
Sorry, for haven't been updating ;)
I've had sleep over with Matilde and Maddie Friday to Sunday. A lot of fun, and they tried to prank me when I slept.. Hahahhaa they failed! xD
I've given my singing lessons a break, and I'm thinking of doing the same with the dance lessons I take.. Everything is just too much right now.
My mom says it's the best if I don't go to any activities and just like chill instead.
I think the same.. but I miss the singing lessons, and I think I'm gonna miss the dance too. Even if I just have been there twice.... hehehehehe
Anyways, I just want to say I love you all :) ♥
Jennifer ♥
March 9, 2011
What's wrong with me?!?!
Today we ended school earlier than usual. When I got on the bus (with Maddie) I just stoped talking and leaned my head against the window and fell asleep. Home, I was lying in my couch and I fell asleep then someone woke me up saying it was time for dinner. When I was done eating I fell asleep again!
I think I have a serious problem! HAHAHAH xD
I think I'm just very sick of school right now! I have a few things I haven't done in school yet.. that I have to do..
In swedish I have like 2 things that I have to be done(and I have to give it to her) by the end of the week or else I'll get an academic notice (if you get an AN it means you have failed in the subject)
What am I supposed to do!? D:
Spanish test 2morrow.. I didn't even know it was 2morrow.. I don't know what it is I should practice.. I'm gonna get an IG (inte godkänt = not achieved)
I also got dancing lesson tomorrow :D Hope I'll be less tired thatn all other days... hahahah
Jennifer ♥
March 7, 2011
I'm sorry for haven't been updating for like 3 or 4 days ;D I've been just like chillin'.. yeah.. that's pretty much what I've done. Hahaha!

Last Saturday I was in "Frölunda Torg" w/ Maddie :)
I bought a new cool cardigan:

I will get a better pic of it soon, I promise :)
Well, I think that's all :)
See ya :)
xoxo, Jennifer♥
March 3, 2011
Thursday! (:
Thursday's almost over! Can't wait until 2morrow 'cause we'll have hamburgers in bamba :D HAHAHA xD
And because it's Friday! ;)
P.S Maddie, I've got your back! ;)
xoxo, J
March 2, 2011
HEeeeeeeeeeeeYYY SWWWeeeeeeeeeTIeeeeeeSS!! :D HAhaha I don't know why I just wrote that.. :P
Well, nothing special happened today, I've just been chillin' ;)
Jennifer ♥
March 1, 2011
Almost 100!!
This is my 90th post! :D Can't wait 'til I will get to a 100 posts! :) Then imma celebrate! :)
So be prepared! :)
Jennifer ♥
February 28, 2011
GRANDPA!!!! ♥♥♥
So I'm at my grandpa's now :) Gonna stay here until Wednesday. I love my grandpa♥
Gonna get up by 7am 2morro ;) That's like "unnormal" I always have to get up by 6.30am all other tuesdays and like 6am every other day.
2morro is gonna be like a Monday at home xD hahahah xD really! I get up by 7 and take the bus at 7.50.
Anyways, I'm a little mad 'cause I forgot my headphones at home. I thought I had 'em in my school bag... I'm so clever. How am I gonna make it 2morro?!?! D:
Haha, no but I think I'm gonna make it :) I hope....
Jennifer 'Happy' :) ♥
February 27, 2011
Grandpa :)
Tomorrow I'll stay at my grandpa's 'til Tuesday (:
After my singing lesson, I'll go home to him. It's gonna be soooo good to get away from home for awhile (:
Kiss on your nose,
Jennifer :)
After my singing lesson, I'll go home to him. It's gonna be soooo good to get away from home for awhile (:
Kiss on your nose,
Jennifer :)
singing lesson
I think you guys are very bad at comment on my blog!
I think you should do it more often! ;)
I think you should do it more often! ;)
Happy B-day Mom!♥
Since it's my mom's birthday today, I had to get up a little earlier than I actually wanted. But that doesn't matter 'cause it's my mom♥
I love her♥
Happy 39th birthday, mother♥
I love her♥
Happy 39th birthday, mother♥
All that you have to know :)
Today I've been to Allum with my Maddie Baddie♥ We first missed the bus so we had to wait an hour, and when we finaly got there I had to like go after like 40 minutes. Maddie was kinda mad at me x) and I was kinda mad at me too xD Hahaha but I went to Carro's :) It was a lot of fun, I haven't seen her in a while :)
yayayaya, I gotta go now and watch some movies :)
Nighty Night, luvies♥
yayayaya, I gotta go now and watch some movies :)
Nighty Night, luvies♥
February 25, 2011
Oh shiiieet!
I don't think I was feeling so good today. Hahah on the last lesson I fell asleep again. And on the bus going home I fell asleep and accidentally went to bus stops too far. LOL!
Bye Bye apple pie
Bye Bye apple pie
February 24, 2011
I forgot! :D
Hellooooo! :)

Yeah, so this is the new one :) I've actually done the picture in the top the one which's in the background on my blog. I'm really proud of it :)
So this is the old design ;) Cute pink, and cute hummingbirds (I love hummigbirds, they're so sweet) and my name is also different; Jennifer Reit - ♥Music.peace.n.love♥
The last thing is something that's always gonna be like my signature, music.n.peace music.n.love music.peace.n.love peace.n.love, yeah you get it ;) it's like my thing ;)

Vote on which one you think is the best :)
Jennifer :)
February 23, 2011
New shoes :)
As you know, I was with my mum shopping yesterday to find some new shoes. And here they are, the new shoes:
I♥Converse :)
I will soon order more shoes, can't wait :)
Hahahah I love shoes :)♥
February 22, 2011
Matilde, you have to help me with something :) When you see this tell me, call me, which one is the easiest at the piont you seeing this! ;)
Woke up for like 40 mins ago. I am just done straightening my hair :)
My hair is so freaking thick so if I don't straighten it it's so warm and it feels like it's up in my face all the time! I hate it!
I'm heading to school in like 15 mins then you guys have to find something else that can entertain you ;) I know you'll miss me :)
After school I'm going to shop with my mom. I'm in really big need of new shoes! (:
See ya guys later ♥
My hair is so freaking thick so if I don't straighten it it's so warm and it feels like it's up in my face all the time! I hate it!
I'm heading to school in like 15 mins then you guys have to find something else that can entertain you ;) I know you'll miss me :)
After school I'm going to shop with my mom. I'm in really big need of new shoes! (:
See ya guys later ♥
February 21, 2011
Please, please, PLEEEEEAASE! :)
As I said yesterday, imma do another vid of me singing. I'm not sure what song I want to sing so please vote for one of these or leave ur suggestion of a song you think may be better that one of these. Thank you :)
Songs to vote on:
Grenade - Bruno Mars
What if - Jason Derulo
Firework - Katy Perry
Unfaithful - Rihanna
Don't matter - Akon
I would be so happy if you could tell me which one you think I should sing :) It would be to a lot of help (:
I really appreciate all the comments I get on my youtube videos :) Thanks for supporting me :)♥
Weeii :D
Hehehehehelloooo! :)
Today was (Y) :) Hahah, well, I fell asleep at like 5.30 yesterday... Hehehehe, I only slept for like 2½hours, so I was pretty tired in school ;) I accidently fell a sleep twice when I was in spanish class. LMFAO! Hahah xD
Soooo.. this is pretty much how I was sitting that lesson:

After school, me and Matilde went to Nordstan. Had a real' good time (:
Then I went to my signing lesson :) It was fun, but half way through I got a headache! :( My head felt so heavy. Then my mum tried to help me on my SoS assignment.. I was sitting on the chair I was like this - close to fall asleep again! xD
But now I'm awake.. even if I maybe should be sleepy now.. xD
Gonna shop shoes with mummy 2moro :)
Today was (Y) :) Hahah, well, I fell asleep at like 5.30 yesterday... Hehehehe, I only slept for like 2½hours, so I was pretty tired in school ;) I accidently fell a sleep twice when I was in spanish class. LMFAO! Hahah xD
Soooo.. this is pretty much how I was sitting that lesson:

After school, me and Matilde went to Nordstan. Had a real' good time (:
Then I went to my signing lesson :) It was fun, but half way through I got a headache! :( My head felt so heavy. Then my mum tried to help me on my SoS assignment.. I was sitting on the chair I was like this - close to fall asleep again! xD
But now I'm awake.. even if I maybe should be sleepy now.. xD
Gonna shop shoes with mummy 2moro :)
I WANT YOU-r help :)
I'm gonna put up a new vid of me singing on youtube, but I really don't know what song I want to sing.
I have a few suggestions of what song I can sing. You can either choose one of them or you can leave an other example of a song I can sing.
I'm thinking of one of these:
Grenade - Bruno Mars
What if - Jason Derulo
Firework - Katy Perry
Unfaithful - Rihanna
Don't matter - Akon (I already know who's NOT gonna pick this one, and you know who you are)
I really appreciate your help! :)
I have a few suggestions of what song I can sing. You can either choose one of them or you can leave an other example of a song I can sing.
I'm thinking of one of these:
Grenade - Bruno Mars
What if - Jason Derulo
Firework - Katy Perry
Unfaithful - Rihanna
Don't matter - Akon (I already know who's NOT gonna pick this one, and you know who you are)
I really appreciate your help! :)
7... 6... 5...
Oh. My. Gosh! It's only 7 hours left on the break! I can't believe it! School starts in 7 hours.
My plan for 2moro:
My plan for 2moro:
- Make me a lette macchiato
- Get the song papers for my singing lesson 2moro
- Work a little bit on my SoS assignment
- Update my blog! :)
- Go to school
- Check if I have homeworks and bring them home (something I'm very bad at)
- Get to sleep early´
That's pretty much my plan for 2moro. I think it's pretty good actually :)
xoxo, Jennifer :)
February 20, 2011
Big Brother Sweden 2011
Chillin' and watching TV w/my mom :)
It's Big Brother. I know this show was showing when I was younger, but then my parents didn't allow me to see it (I was like 5 or 6 maybe ☺)
Now here's the people who's gonna be in the house:
Christian: What he says: He says he's a king on the dance floor and girls love him.
In real: He's super ungly/super dorky.
Cilla: What she says: Think shes gonna win.
In real: She's way to old to win something like this (she have 3 kids and hate some kind of toilet sounds, I don't know what)
Niclas: What he says: He says hes awesome and that he's a sex symbol. He don't care if people know him but he doesn't know them.
In real: I think he's a jerk! The only good thing is he doesn't have a "dream-girlfriend", he just want her to have nice eyes and a nice smile.
Sonja: What she says: She's kind of a Snooki and she thinks that the world spins around her.
In real: Cocky
Peter: What he says: Ok, this one is a real Gothenburg person! Cool, very down to earth, know what he's doing, and very nice, so this one has no "In real" this far hahaha :)
Rickard & Ebba: What they say: He thinks he's cool and I think she is pretty "normal"
In real: I think he's pretty "geeky". Ebba says he's stubborn
In real: Not so cool. She have more guy friends than girl friends that's why she doesn't want any girl to be better than her, 'cause she's "afraid" of girls
Tobias: What he says: He also thinks he knows the best. Doesn't like Mona Salin. I mean.. what?
In real: Neeeerd!
Katerina: What she says: I think she thinks she's beautiful..
In real: She's religious(christian) so she says she's not gonna have sex or make out.. Does she knows what kind of show this is? She's old... and she've done a plastic surgery in her nose
Simon: What he says: Down to earth, cool guy just like the Gothenburg guy! No "In real"
Sanna: What she says: She thinks she's hot and sexy and a sex bomb.
In real: She is, what we would call it in Sweden, a fjortis! She has a memory of a gold fish!
Annie: What she says: She thinks she's funny.
In real: She is just weird, and she says that the best think that could happen in "Big Brother" is that a black hole appears and that aliens comes from it. What a weirdo! She's a little boyish.
Rodney: What he says: He thinks he's cool.
In real: He's grose
Sara: What she says: She likes to talk behind people's back.
In real: Not so specific
Martin: What he says: He thinks he's the hottest, sexiest in Hörby (a city in Sweden). He's also a model and life guard. He wants to be in the show 'cause he's seen all the other seasons. Ummmh?
In real: JeErK!!
Vanessa: What she says: She's pretty independent.
In real: She's transsexual so she have been a boy but is now a girl. So I think she's pretty cool! She is going to tell everyone about it when she thinks it's the right time
It's Big Brother. I know this show was showing when I was younger, but then my parents didn't allow me to see it (I was like 5 or 6 maybe ☺)
Now here's the people who's gonna be in the house:
Christian: What he says: He says he's a king on the dance floor and girls love him.
In real: He's super ungly/super dorky.
Cilla: What she says: Think shes gonna win.
In real: She's way to old to win something like this (she have 3 kids and hate some kind of toilet sounds, I don't know what)
Niclas: What he says: He says hes awesome and that he's a sex symbol. He don't care if people know him but he doesn't know them.
In real: I think he's a jerk! The only good thing is he doesn't have a "dream-girlfriend", he just want her to have nice eyes and a nice smile.
Sonja: What she says: She's kind of a Snooki and she thinks that the world spins around her.
In real: Cocky
Peter: What he says: Ok, this one is a real Gothenburg person! Cool, very down to earth, know what he's doing, and very nice, so this one has no "In real" this far hahaha :)
Rickard & Ebba: What they say: He thinks he's cool and I think she is pretty "normal"
In real: I think he's pretty "geeky". Ebba says he's stubborn
Rickard and Ebba is a couple, but no one in "the house" knows about it, and they are going to pretend that they don't know each other.
Jessica: What she says: She thinks she knows everything and that shes always right about everything and she doesn't want any other girl should be more good looking.In real: Not so cool. She have more guy friends than girl friends that's why she doesn't want any girl to be better than her, 'cause she's "afraid" of girls
Tobias: What he says: He also thinks he knows the best. Doesn't like Mona Salin. I mean.. what?
In real: Neeeerd!
Katerina: What she says: I think she thinks she's beautiful..
In real: She's religious(christian) so she says she's not gonna have sex or make out.. Does she knows what kind of show this is? She's old... and she've done a plastic surgery in her nose
Simon: What he says: Down to earth, cool guy just like the Gothenburg guy! No "In real"
Sanna: What she says: She thinks she's hot and sexy and a sex bomb.
In real: She is, what we would call it in Sweden, a fjortis! She has a memory of a gold fish!
Annie: What she says: She thinks she's funny.
In real: She is just weird, and she says that the best think that could happen in "Big Brother" is that a black hole appears and that aliens comes from it. What a weirdo! She's a little boyish.
Rodney: What he says: He thinks he's cool.
In real: He's grose
Sara: What she says: She likes to talk behind people's back.
In real: Not so specific
Martin: What he says: He thinks he's the hottest, sexiest in Hörby (a city in Sweden). He's also a model and life guard. He wants to be in the show 'cause he's seen all the other seasons. Ummmh?
In real: JeErK!!
Vanessa: What she says: She's pretty independent.
In real: She's transsexual so she have been a boy but is now a girl. So I think she's pretty cool! She is going to tell everyone about it when she thinks it's the right time
Let it begin!
Big Brother Sweden 2011
xoxo, Jennifer (:
Headache..? ... school's near..
It have been break for a week, and now it's almost over. School 2moro.
Anyways, singing lesson tomorrow :) Can't wait! I hate to wait for it! But the time goes by so fast so it feels like just a few days 'til it's time to sing again! It's unbelieveble how fast the week goes!
I have been thinking of what I want to do this summer (whole week I've been going crazy just because I want summer so badly!) and here are some things I want to do:
1. Get a 6-pack, but like a girly 6-pack ;)
2. Get tanned! Haha didn't went out so well last year.. hahah I was so bored I stayed inside a lot
3. Get my parents to agree on going to another country than Denmark.
No, I haven't been to another country than Denmark (I live in Sweden as you know) and I have never been on an airplane. It's hard when people asks me where i've been or like "you know, on an airplane..." and I have to say I've never been on an airplane or in another country. But I've learned to deal with it.
4. Cure my fear of water ;) Yes, I have a fear of water -.-
5. Have a lot of fun!
6. *unknown*
I don't know what more I want to do this summer, so we'll wait and see what happens :)
Jennifer :)
Anyways, singing lesson tomorrow :) Can't wait! I hate to wait for it! But the time goes by so fast so it feels like just a few days 'til it's time to sing again! It's unbelieveble how fast the week goes!
I have been thinking of what I want to do this summer (whole week I've been going crazy just because I want summer so badly!) and here are some things I want to do:
1. Get a 6-pack, but like a girly 6-pack ;)
2. Get tanned! Haha didn't went out so well last year.. hahah I was so bored I stayed inside a lot
3. Get my parents to agree on going to another country than Denmark.
No, I haven't been to another country than Denmark (I live in Sweden as you know) and I have never been on an airplane. It's hard when people asks me where i've been or like "you know, on an airplane..." and I have to say I've never been on an airplane or in another country. But I've learned to deal with it.
4. Cure my fear of water ;) Yes, I have a fear of water -.-
5. Have a lot of fun!
6. *unknown*
I don't know what more I want to do this summer, so we'll wait and see what happens :)
Jennifer :)
January 13, 2011
Matilde heree ;D
Hii everyone out there reading Jennifer's blog ;D I'm Matilde (a friend of Jennifer ;P), i'm blogging too, www.dancinginmyheart.blogspot.com plz check it out! ♥
Anyways, were in school now, and we're having texile craft so me and Jeffie are supposed to find a pattern for a top we're gonna sew. But now we have 2 go, keep reading Jeffies blog, it's the best!! :D
Anyways, were in school now, and we're having texile craft so me and Jeffie are supposed to find a pattern for a top we're gonna sew. But now we have 2 go, keep reading Jeffies blog, it's the best!! :D
January 9, 2011
Yeehaa! What a crazy day! *Texas accent*
Hello there :)
So today I was suppose to go to a dog exhibition with my mum, lil' sister and two friends: Marie and Madde (Marie is an old friend to my dad and Madde is turning 16 on Monday) but when we got there and saw the queue we decided to go bowling instead!
It was so much fun! Then we went to "nordstan" a big shopping center in Gothenburg, I think it may be the biggest one.
My mom and I bought nice bracelets and I really like mine and Madde bought a cool cardigan that was very cozy :)
Then I got mad at my little sister, and I'm not honing to say why so you not have to ask why. Then we were going home but to get to the parking lot we have to take an elevator and I am really scared of elevators! I was trying to like say to them are there no stairs? Please I don't wanna take the elevator! I really don't!" but I had to take it...! I was holding in the railing in such a tight grip! When I got out I was really dizzy at first and I dropped my balance I ain't going in to an elevator again!!
Well, that's all ;)
Peace out and love y'all,
Jennifer :)
So today I was suppose to go to a dog exhibition with my mum, lil' sister and two friends: Marie and Madde (Marie is an old friend to my dad and Madde is turning 16 on Monday) but when we got there and saw the queue we decided to go bowling instead!
It was so much fun! Then we went to "nordstan" a big shopping center in Gothenburg, I think it may be the biggest one.
My mom and I bought nice bracelets and I really like mine and Madde bought a cool cardigan that was very cozy :)
Then I got mad at my little sister, and I'm not honing to say why so you not have to ask why. Then we were going home but to get to the parking lot we have to take an elevator and I am really scared of elevators! I was trying to like say to them are there no stairs? Please I don't wanna take the elevator! I really don't!" but I had to take it...! I was holding in the railing in such a tight grip! When I got out I was really dizzy at first and I dropped my balance I ain't going in to an elevator again!!
Well, that's all ;)
Peace out and love y'all,
Jennifer :)
January 5, 2011
What to do?
I have totally nothing 2 do, and I'm starting get a lil' panic 'cause school starts on Tuesday! Oh. My. Gosh!!
I don't wanna go back 2 school, I just wanna go there 2 meet my friends but I really don't wanna work and get homeworks!! Well well, that's what I have 2 do. That's life: get born, go 2 school, get a job, having kids(and the same thing starts for them), and die.. hehehehe
Comments? (:
I don't wanna go back 2 school, I just wanna go there 2 meet my friends but I really don't wanna work and get homeworks!! Well well, that's what I have 2 do. That's life: get born, go 2 school, get a job, having kids(and the same thing starts for them), and die.. hehehehe
Comments? (:
Christmas and New Years Eve - Twothousandandeleven
Hi every single one out there! I'm really sorry for me haven't been updating, my apologize! It's just that I don't really know what to write about sometimes so I just leave it and do other stuff.
So... Have you guys had a good vacation? Got something nice for christmas? Did something fun on new years eve?
I got some cool stuff for christmas! I was with my friends, Maddie and Matilde<3, on new years eve. I had a really good time with them and, well, there wasn't so much going on actually just me and Maddie got addicted to the O.C. and we watched all the beautiful fireworks! :)
What have you been doing on over the holiday?
Love y'all<3
So... Have you guys had a good vacation? Got something nice for christmas? Did something fun on new years eve?
I got some cool stuff for christmas! I was with my friends, Maddie and Matilde<3, on new years eve. I had a really good time with them and, well, there wasn't so much going on actually just me and Maddie got addicted to the O.C. and we watched all the beautiful fireworks! :)
What have you been doing on over the holiday?
Love y'all<3
new years eve,
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