April 22, 2010

Birthday on Saturday :D

Me on the picture :)
I want my birthday to come tomorrow!! I can't wait 'til Saturday :O

April 18, 2010

Web cam pix 8D

I had a lil' fun with my web cam :D

Hahaha xD Im soooo (not) funny!!

Look at my face xD

Some of my friends and family might remember that I had glasses when I was in like 2nd grade or something. Well, now, I have theese but not that I'm going to have all the time just when it feels like I need them and when I reed and stuff ;)

I love when doggy give me kisses :)
He just turned 1 :) And he is so big!! :O
If I should bought him a T-shirt I would have to buy a XXL

April 17, 2010


Heyy Guys!
Much have been going on; Daddy's B-day, home from school (and that include stomach flu! :S ), home works, Zorro's B-day, and in one week it's my B-day to :)

Fwiw, I turn 14 ;)

Today, Granny, my uncle's wife and their lil' daugther (and my cousin), Rebecca, was here visiting me :)
Right now I am listening to music and watching Tv.

Cya l8r<3

April 2, 2010


I'm going to bed very, very soon ;)
Sooo.. Cya =D