September 25, 2011

Friends with benefits :D

Hello! :)
Yesterday was so fun! Me, Maddie, Matilde and Venice went to see "Friends with benefits". It was a b-day present from me and Maddie to Venice and Matilde joined us :)
It was a really fun movie, we really liked it and i recommend you to see it :)
After the movie, around 9pm, Matilde went home and me, Venice and Maddie stayed in town for like 1 h.
In the buss me and Maddie decided that I should stay over at her's, so we got of at my place to pic up all my stuff that I needed and then we went home to Maddie.
We were gonna watch "The ring" but we were so tired so we shut the TV of and fell asleep.
Now i am awake and Maddie is still sleeping haha.

Cya guys :)
Xoxo, Jennifer :)

September 20, 2011

A little bit of this and that!

Hello guys!
I'm on my way home right now. I've been to Önnerödsskolan, my prewiest school where my sister goes now.
Every Tuesday evening they have what's called "öppna skolan", literally translated "the open school". It opens at 6pm and you can do like what ever you feel like; play ping pong, watch TV, do your homework if you need to catch up in something, study, like everything :)
I miss my old school, it's not as much as a prison as IES!

Take care!
Xoxo, Jennifer :)

September 18, 2011


Me and Matilde are at Maddie's place. It's 145am and we are gonna get up in like 7h. Hihi :)

I'm going to start vlogging now :) I, I, I so exited :D

Haha alright babies, gotta go catch some zzz... ;)

xoxo, Jennifer :)

September 16, 2011

What is going on?

Gooood mooorning!
I went to bed at 2am last nigt and, I don't know how it happened, but I woke up at 8am.... lol! I bet you think I'm crazy, but this is not like me! Hahaha

Anyways, I found this new Blogger-app for my iPhone. It's so much better than the last one! :)

Gotta go now, see y'all later :)

xo, Jennifer <3

What a great idea! Maybe... ?

OMG! It was almost a moth ago I updated my blog! Am I really that bad at updating? I don't understand why I keep promise you guys that I will update more..... But I was thinking, and I thought, maybe I want to start a vlog instead? I think that would be easier!
But I will also continue writing, but not as often then.
What do you guys think? Vlog or just blog?

xx, Jennifer :)